Simplicity Zen Podcast Episode 70: An Interview with Edward Oberholtzer
Rev. Edward Keido Sanshin Oberholtzer is a Soto Zen priest and a Dharma heir of James Myuon Ford, Roshi. Edward is a member of Empty Moon Zen, and has practiced …
Podcast about Zen, Buddhism and Mindfulness
Rev. Edward Keido Sanshin Oberholtzer is a Soto Zen priest and a Dharma heir of James Myuon Ford, Roshi. Edward is a member of Empty Moon Zen, and has practiced …
Taylor Guthrie is Doctoral Student and teacher in the Department of Psychology at the University of Oregon. He runs the The Cellular Republic Youtube channel that makes neuroscience accessible without …
Shana Smith is an assistant Zen teacher under Valerie Forstman in the Sanbo Zen tradition and a long time Yoga teacher. She is the facilitator of Florida Sanbo Zen and …
David Jitsusan Vititoe has been practicing Zen since 2005 and received Dharma Transmission from Fusho Roshi in 2019. Dave is a Lay Monk in the Open Mind Zen school and …
A high-level look at how and why the brain creates a sense of self-identity and how this relates to the Buddhist concept of the five aggregates. We also explore why …
Marc Lesser is a Soto Zen priest and head teacher of Mill Valley Zen in Marin County California. He was a resident of the San Francisco Zen Center for 10 …
Jim Tabor is longtime Rinzai Zen practitioner and a founding board member of the Korinji Rinzai Zen monastery Foundation. He is one of the moderators of the Rinzai Zen Discussion …
Ruben Habito Roshi is the founding teacher of the Maria Kan-non Zen Center. He is a former Jesuit priest and now a Zen teacher practicing in the Sanbo Zen lineage …
Dr. Jud Brewer, a practicing Buddhist, is the director of mindfulness research as well as a professor at Brown University. Additionally, he is the executive medical director of behavioral health …
Corey Hess is a longtime Rinzai Zen practitioner who studied with renowned Zen master Shodo Harada Roshi in Japan. He maintains the Zen Embodiment website, The Energy Collective practice group …