Geoff started to study Zen at the Zen Center of Denver in March of 1991. In November of 1996, he received the rakusu during Jukai–his ordained name is Strongvow. He studied with Danan Henry Roshi until Danan retired in 2009, when he continued he study with one of his heirs, Kenneth Morgareidge, Roshi. Geoff finished formal koan training in 2014 in the Diamond Sangha tradition of the Harada-Yasutani-Aitken-Henry lineage–The Sanbo Kyodan.
Geoff continues to work with Ken Roshi on various Dogen fascicles from the Shobogenzo as well as the 300-koans of The True Dharma Eye, and these continue to work on him.
in January 2022, Geoff started to give dharma talks and conduct daisan. On May 22, 2022, he will be formally recognized as an assistant teacher at the Zen Center of Denver.