David Chadwick began his Zen study under Shunryu Suzuki Roshi in 1966. Ordained as a Zen priest in 1971, he later wrote Suzuki’s biography, “Crooked Cucumber”, as well as “Thank You and OK!: An American Zen Failure in Japan”. With a great deal of help, Chadwick is poo-bah of Cuke Archives (http://cuke.com/), preserving the legacy of Shunryu Suzuki and those whose paths crossed his—and anything else that comes to mind. See cuke.com and shunryusuzuki.com for more vital info. David host a regular podcast that can be found at http://cuke.com/TOC-podcast.htm. Highly recommended is the Audio version of Crooked Cucumber which is now on Audible with Thank you and OK! Soon to follow. David is also a musician with music available at http://defusermusic.com/.